The provision of adaptive learning resource systems, fully functioning at the division, effectively developing and distributing adequate and varied learning resources to teachers and all kinds of learners -Formal Basic Education, Alternative Learning Systems and Learners with Special Needs covering both text and non-text learning resources.

Objectives of LRMS

The LRMS is designed to achieve the following objectives:

  1. Strengthened Learning Resource development and distribution systems at Regional and Divisional levels.

  2. Improvement of instructional and learning materials system through support for the assessment, acquisition, adaptation, development, production and distribution of teaching/learning materials to schools.

  3. Digitized available student learning materials particularly for reading in the early grades and TLE programs, English, Science and Mathematics in other grades, ADM and ALS.

  4. Enhanced provisions of quality instructional and learning materials, particularly in reading in early grades and TLE, English, Science and Mathematics in other grades.

  5. Modified and enhanced instructional and learning materials for implementing Alternative Delivery Modes and Learning Systems.

  6. Improved development and utilization of Quality Assurance (including Monitoring and Evaluation) systems for provision and utilization of learning resources.

  7. Development of ICT enabled solutions in the three regions, integrated with national systems, to support the strengthening of the learning resource support systems.

Purpose of the LRMS Learners Avenue

The Learners Avenue provides access to quality learning resources from the Central Office, Region, and exclusive access to Division developed CLAID Modules.

Provide access on Information of teachers resource portal professional development activities designed for and by educators.

Information on quantity and quality and location of textbooks and supplementary materials, and cultural expertise, access to learning, teaching and professional development resources in digital format and locates resources in print format and hard copy, standards, specifications and guidelines for assessing & evaluating, acquiring & harvesting, modification, development and production of resources.